Product contents
📄️ About the OET product
Open Energy Transition (OET) continues to build on open source software. PyPSA project, initially started in Academia, back in 2015, is being developed actively.
📄️ Being a product manager at OET
this should be same as sidebar_label and folder name
📄️ Data analysis and validation
Data analysis
📄️ Product development
this should be same as sidebar_label and folder name
📄️ Product pricing model
this should be same as sidebar_label and folder name
📄️ Product principles
Open Energy Transition continues to build on open software, initially started in Academia, back in 2015. As of now, the PyPSA project has more than 100,000 lines of Python code.
📄️ Product processes
this should be same as sidebar_label and folder name
📄️ UX department
this should be same as sidebar_label and folder name