
The installation process is a modified version of PyPSA-Eur Installation instruction.

Fork and Clone the Repository#

To make modifications to the existing code base, it is necessary to create your own fork of this repository. In the Create a new fork pop-up menu, shown in the figure below, deselect the default Copy the master branch only option.

Fork this repository!

fork option

The repository consists of two additional branches outside of the master branch which contains the main code base for the study: gh-pages, which is necessary for rebuilding this documentation website, and calibration-run, which is required for generating the calibrated runs for the year 2023.

Then, clone your newly created repository using the version control system git in the command line.

git clone<your-username>/form-energy-storage


If you want to try out the model as is, you can clone OETs version of Form Energy Storage PyPSA-Eur repository instead.

git clone

Install Python Dependencies#

PyPSA-Eur relies on a set of other Python packages to function. We recommend using the package manager mamba to install them and manage your environments. For instructions for your operating system follow the mamba installation guide. You can also use conda equivalently.

The package requirements are curated in the envs/environment.yaml file. There are also regularly updated pinned environment files for each operating system to ensure reproducibility (envs/windows-pinned.yaml, envs/linux-pinned.yaml, envs/macos-pinned.yaml). We recommend to use the pinned files for a stable environment, but you could also use the unpinned file.

mamba env create -f envs/environment.yaml # replace for your os
mamba activate pypsa-eur


The equivalent commands for conda would be

conda env create -f envs/environment.yaml # replace for your os
conda activate pypsa-eur

Install a Solver#

PyPSA passes the PyPSA-Eur network model to an external solver for performing the optimisation. PyPSA is known to work with the free software

and the non-free, commercial software (for some of which free academic licenses are available)

For installation instructions of these solvers for your operating system, follow the links above. Commercial solvers such as Gurobi and CPLEX currently significantly outperform open-source solvers for large-scale problems, and it might be the case that you can only retrieve solutions by using a commercial solver. Nevertheless, you can still use open-source solvers for smaller problems.